Q & A: Why Summer Perennial Production?
When does summer production start and for how long? Many Spring blooming perennials require prior year Summer bulking/growing and a vernalization for maximum flower power.

Which perennials benefit from bulking (i.e., strongly rooted and mature)? Some popular Summer-blooming perennials benefit greatly with a prior year bulking and overwintering. See chart below for examples. (links open in new window)
Class |
What they are used to growing |
Newer varieties |
Improvements |
Special Forms |
Alyssum |
Basket of Gold-seed |
Golden Spring |
Stronger vigor, improved foliage |
Armeria |
Splendens seed |
Larger flowers and longer blooming, strong heat tolerance & summer performance
Callused Cuttings |
Iberis |
Purity |
Snowsation |
Longer blooming with better branching, larger flowers |
Callused Cuttings |
Spanish Lavender |
Anouk |
Primavera |
Greater heat tolerance, larger & darker flags, continuous flowering |
Callused Cuttings |
Lithodora |
Grace Ward |
Phlox divericata |
Blue Moon & May Breeze |
Phlox subulata |
Drummond's Pink, Emerald Blue, Fort Hill |
Eye Series from Walters,
Eye Candy (top seller)
Improved habit and better vigor |
Salvia nemerosa |
May Night, Caradonna |
Blue by You, Rose Marvel |
Better habit in the landscape, cleaner foliage, stronger colors, easier to finish |
Viola |
Seed varieties |
Halo Series |
Better heat tolerance throughout season |
Callused Cuttings |
Why are high light levels important for cost-effectiveness? High light levels can be cost effective. Overall, it’s free heat. Most perennials grow best under high light levels and long days. Labor availability is also much better.
Why are long days important? You will have a fully rooted container with foliage to at least the edge of the container. This will ensure your perennials will overwinter with great success. Roots are the key to success. I would rather have more crop time on a perennial crop that is going to be overwintered, then not give the crop enough time to root out.
Summer production of perennials
For Fall sales and overwintering for Spring sales, this usually starts in week 20 through 35 in the north with a goal of week 42 to have a fully rooted plant and foliage covering the pot. For the south start week 30 through week 44.
Please make sure you have your liner orders or URC orders booked by week 14-16 for best availability. By placing your orders now for weeks 20-36 planting, we can ensure that URC supply is good coming out of our Darwin Colombia stock farm.
Also, if you use liners as your preferred inputs our rooting stations can plan to have liners ready when you need them. If our spring selling season is strong, we will have supply to meet your needs.
Contact your local supplier for availability and happy planning!