Scientific Name : Lavandula stoechas
Common Name : Spanish Lavender
Hardiness Zone : 6a - 9b
Hardiness Degree : -10°F (-23°C)
Blooming Season : Early Spring, Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Autumn, Late Summer
Plant Habit : Upright
Characteristics : Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Scented Foliage
Water : Light
Fertilizer : Once a month
Spacing : 12 - 16" (30 - 41cm)
Height : 14 - 18" (36 - 46cm)
Width : 12 - 14" (30 - 36cm)
Exposure : Sun
General Information : Flower spikes are topped with matching flags. These pollinator-friendly plants look outstanding in containers and landscapes.
Idea & Tips : Full sun and well-drained soil. Prune back to 6 in. (15 cm) in the Spring.
Grower Information :
Outstanding in containers and landscapes - Reblooming Spanish Lavenders have excellent weather tolerance and retail shelf life.
- High resistance to foliar disease
- A wonderful pollinator plant for containers and landscapes.
Rich, deep purple color.
'Anouk Deluxe 201909'
Protection Information : PPAF
(Flowering Only License)
Propagation Guide
EC 0.75-0.80 mmhos/pH 5.8-6.2
70-72°F (21-22°C)
500 ppm IBA
Low; prefers high humidity rather than mist.
50-75 ppm N
Recommended after roots are established. Leave 4-5 active internodes.
42-56 days after sticking
Finishing Guide
Nights: 56 to 64°F (13 to 18°C) Days: 65 to 76°F (18 to 24°C)
5,000 to 8,000
Beneficial for earlier flowering and more blooms.
Day length neutral
Allow media to dry slightly between watering.
Use a balanced fertilizer at a rate of 100 to 125 ppm.
PGRs generally not needed
Thielaviopsis, pythium and rhizoctonia can result from overwatering. Thrips, white fly, aphids, fungus gnats.
Crop Scheduling
7-10 wks
9-11 wks, 1-3 ppp
10-12 wks, 3-5 ppp
March to July
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