Program Perennials to Match Demand

Karl Batschke - General Manager for Darwin Perennials
Monday, October 15, 2018

I recently contributed a feature article to Greenhouse Grower magazine's October issue. It's a concept we here at Darwin Perennials have been behind for a few years now: Programming your perennial production to meet seasonal demand.

Yes, this means fresh perennials, in store, IN FLOWER, for the fall decorating season.

One of the major points I make in the article is how modern breeding has made scheduling perennials EASIER, providing more sales and profits for the grower and their retail customer. You can now time and meter your plants to match demand throughout the season.

Read the full article online at Greenhouse Grower's website: 

Tell us in the comments below what you think... How are you taking advantage of the newest perennial genetics to bring fresh color to market? What else can we provide to help you be successful in summer and fall sales windows?

And be sure to check out our Scheduling Tools & Production Guides page for all of the info you need to finish perennials for fall flowering.

Article originally appeared on See website for complete article licensing information.