One question we continually get asked by our customers the past couple years is "Can you help me build a solid flowering perennial program for our Summer/Fall sales?"
Yes, we can! As you know: Color Sells. With the use of our new First-Year Flowering tool at you can easily schedule your Summer/Fall perennial program. We list over 70 genus and 150 varieties that are first-year flowering, which means they will bulk up, flower, and fill your container without vernalization!
Here are a few of our top picks for you to put into your next programs:
• Achillea Milly Rock™ series
• Agastache 'Little Adder'
• Buddleia Chrysalis™ series
• Coreopsis 'Golden Stardust'
• Coreopsis 'Super Star'
• Coreopsis UpTick™ series
• Delosperma Ocean Sunset™ series
• Digitalis Artic Fox
• Lavender 'SuperBlue'
• Leucanthemum 'Whitecap'
• Monarda Bee-Mine™ or Balmy™series
• Nepeta Prelude™ Blue and Purple
• Salvia 'Blue by You'