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  • Leucanthemum Snowcap Bloom

Leucanthemum Snowcap

Scientific Name : Leucanthemum x superbum
Common Name : Shasta daisy
Hardiness Zone : 4a - 8b
Hardiness Degree : -30°F (-34°C)
Blooming Season : Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer
Plant Habit : Upright
Water : Light
Fertilizer : Once a week
Spacing : 10 - 12" (25 - 30cm)
Height : 14 - 18" (36 - 46cm)
Width : 12 - 14" (30 - 36cm)
Exposure : Sun
General Information : A profusion of long-lasting flowers on mounded plants.
Attractive in butterfly gardens, cutting gardens or combined with other perennials.
Idea & Tips : Remove spent flower heads to promote additional blooming.
Grower Information : Compact, single, white Shasta Daisy flowers on exceptionally uniform plants.
Daylength : Plants grown under long days (greater than 16-hr. daylengths), occurring naturally or by night-break lighting, will flower more rapidly and have more flowers.
Cool Treatment
Plant Maturity: Cold treatment beneficial, but not required for flowering. Plants should be bulked under natural short days for a 4-8 week period. Mature, bulked up plants will respond more favorably to cold treatment.
Temperature: 35-41°F
Duration: 6-15 weeks
Benefits: Increased flowering percentage and number of flowers; earlier flowering.
Plant Growth Regulators : Generally not needed. Growing Leucanthemum under cool, bright conditions will help improve habit.
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