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  • Monarda didyma Jacob Cline Landscape

Monarda didyma Jacob Cline

Scientific Name : Monarda didyma
Common Name : Bee Balm
Hardiness Zone : 4a - 9b
Hardiness Degree : -30°F (-34°C)
Blooming Season : Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer
Plant Habit : Upright
Characteristics : Attracts Bees, Attracts Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Attracts Hummingbirds, Fragrant Flowers, Scented Foliage, Heat Tolerant
Water : Medium
Fertilizer : Every two weeks
Spacing : 12 - 18" (30 - 46cm)
Height : 48" (122cm)
Width : 12 - 24" (30 - 61cm)
Exposure : Partial Sun, Sun
General Information : Fire-red, tubular blooms stand out in the garden.
Idea & Tips : Can be invasive so plant in contained area.
Water at least 2 hours before dark to limit Powdery Mildew.
Grower Information : Fire-red, tubular blooms stand out in the garden.
Daylength : Monarda will bloom naturally as days lengthen and temperatures begin to rise in late Spring and early Summer.
Propagation Information : Avoid saturated media. Reduce mist as soon as possible. Soil temperature is critical. Apply preventative fungicide drench if soil temperature is lower than recommended.
Cool Treatment
Plant Maturity: Cold treatment required for flowering. Plants should be bulked under natural short days for a 4-8 week period. Mature, bulked up plants will respond more favorably to cold treatment.
Temperature: 35-41°F
Duration: 10-15 weeks
Benefits: Earlier flowering, increase in number of flowers.
Plant Growth Regulators : Generally not needed.
'Jacob Cline'
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